Hubzilla Support Forum#
email #
invite #
app #
intl #
i18nFor own needs and as one 1st exercise I modified the Invite App. This App serves the admin (and if permitted the users) to send invitations per email to anybody who may become a user on the hub. The app in general is essential for all instances without open registration.
The extended stuff is
[]the invitation email messages are selectable, because template driven, with live view[]the language of the email message is selectable as well, independent of the language environment the invitator currently works with- own notes to the recipient(s) may be prepended into the email body
The screen looks like:

Preliminary, the modified code is available
here (as a tar).
To apply, one modification is to edit manually: The file
around line #1307 (in v.4.6) needs a change from
'Zotlabs\Module\Invite' => [b]DIR[/b] . '/../..' . '/Zotlabs/Module/Invite.php',
'Zotlabs\Module\Invite' => [b]DIR[/b] . '/../..' . '/Zotlabs/Module/Invitexv2.php',
Invite.php to
The Invitexv2 app is far away being finished. While examine the code around, I found some essentials still to do. But that is better a matter of discussion before.